Spring Cleaning Checklist - Exteriors Edition

With spring right around the corner, it’s never too early to start planning your spring cleaning checklist. While cleaning the inside of your house is a great way to start the season, tidying up around your exterior is just as important. We’ve compiled a list of a few items to make sure you add to your spring cleaning checklist so your home's exterior looks just as fresh from the outside as it does inside!

Check the Gutters

While you might have done this before the weather turned cold for the winter, it helps to double-check check your home’s gutters are clear of any debris from the winter months. This is also a great time to make sure they are securely fastened and that they did not take any damage from ice over the winter months. During the winter your gutters are subject to freezing temperatures that often cause them to freeze over. Built-up leaves that are left from fall can add extra weight on top of the heavy snow that winter brings. If the gutter has too much weight it can separate from the roof. Taking the time to check your gutters in the early spring is a great way to prepare for those spring and summer rain showers.

Wash your Siding

Pressure washing your siding is a great way to remove grime and freshen your home almost instantly. Be sure to start from the top and work your way down to avoid spraying dirt onto clean areas. If you have a garage that is detached, be sure to clean your garage siding as well!

Clean your Windows

Washing out your screens and windows will give you a sparkling view of the spring season, no matter the temperature. Don’t forget to clean the window sill from the inside as well, this is where a lot of dirt and grime can get trapped during the fall and winter seasons. 

Don’t Forget your Doors

 Taking the time to clean the trim of your doors is a great way to cut down on grime and bug build-up throughout the spring and summer! 

Get to Weeding and Pruning

 Tackling your weeds in the early spring when the ground is soft and the weeds are small is a great way to get a head start on your weed control. This is also a great time to prune back any trees or shrubs that might rub on your siding, which in turn can help keep your siding lasting longer and in turn cut back on any insects.

Insect Control 

On the topic of insects, spring is one of the best times to treat your garden area and flowerbeds for insects to minimize pest problems later in the spring or summer. 

Check your Fence

If your property has a fence, get in the habit of checking it in the spring so you can properly plan to make any repairs before the weather gets too warm or your honey-do list gets too long! This can be as simple as making sure the boards are all tight and not broken.

Clean your AC Coils

Taking the time to clean your AC coils in the spring can help your AC unit from working too hard in those hot and humid summer months. This is also a great time to make sure your unit is running properly and scheduling any maintenance so you don’t have to wait until that first heat wave strikes and your AC unit goes out. 

Other Tips

  • Inspect areas while you are cleaning. When you’re cleaning your gutters, be sure to check your roof and snap pictures or make note of any repairs you need to make. Being thorough while cleaning can help prevent any future damages from getting out of control or any further damage from happening.

  • Survey the other areas of your lawn and house to see if you need professional help with repairs. It can be easy to add it to your to-do list but if you don’t know how to fix a problem, it can be best to call a professional to help before the season gets too busy.


